How to Connect with Dominant Personalities

Last week, we mentioned that over the next four weeks we would give you an insight into how to observe and spot signs for which of the four personality types our clients are. We will learn what words would be more favourable to use to build rapport and trust with each type. (Please remember that we do have a blend of personalities. This is just their primary personality.)

This week let’s concentrate on the dominant, direct personality clients.

You’ll be pleased to know this only makes up 10% of the population!

These people like to win and are results-focussed.

So how do we spot them?

  • They speak fast
  • They smile less
  • They are task-focussed

Words to use with Dominant types – “To help you get better results…”

Watch the video below for more information …..

It is difficult to accurately judge people's personality, and you’ll probably only guess around 50% of them. But getting those 50% correctly identified can mean a lot of new business.

If you’d like to take a simple test, with a 26-page report all about yourself (yes, the most important person in the world), please click on the link below to buy a unique code to complete your Personality Profile questionnaire.



  • Independent: a locket which has your photo inside.
  • What do you call a fat psychic? A four chin teller.
  • I had three bowls of alphabetti spaghetti and had the biggest vowel movement I've ever had.




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