How your prospects make their final decision, before you even start.

New business owners get irritated when I tell them their presentation has nothing to do with their prospect's decision. They argue:

  • But they have to know the name of the company.
  • They need to know about our latest products and services.
  • How can they decide without first seeing the fees?
  • We are the best. They have to know that first.
  • Our research can beat up other companies’ research.
  • Nobody decides until they first see the facts.
  • Our wonderful company video is what sells the deal.
  • My 3-D laminated flip chart presentation is what causes them to decide.

It is hard to argue with new business owners. They don't know yet what they don't even know yet.

So, what do I do?

I tell them, "Figure it out."

I give them these two examples. They either "get it" and understand, or they doom themselves to long, boring, useless presentations. Here are the examples.

Example 1. You invite a prospect to a meeting. He doesn't come. Has he made his decision? Yes. He has decided not to work with you, and he hasn't even seen a single fact.

Example 2. You invite a prospect to an evening meeting. He decides not to have dinner with his family. He decides not to watch television that evening. He decides not to rest after a hard day's work. Instead, he decides to give up his whole evening so that he can come and join you to find out more about your offering and services. And he hopes you don't talk him out of it with a long, boring meeting.

Yes, the final decision is made before any facts are presented.

This goes against all of your new business owners’ beliefs, and they will resist adjusting their business to take advantage of this fact. People hate to change their beliefs.

Unless the new business owner/advisor/Manager learns the skills to manage this time before the presentation, they will be sentenced to a lifetime of frustration and slow progress.

So, ask your new team member this question:

"Are you willing to learn the 14 basic skills for your business so that you can excel quickly? Or will you make a decision not to learn those skills, and be satisfied with the results you are getting now?"

Learn the full-time skills now.

One way to learn 9 of them is in with this book called ‘Stop Selling and Get more Clients” - The 9 proven skills to get more clients without even selling click here for more details.

Or if you only want to learn one skill thoroughly like closing more easily then click here –for “15 Magic Words for Advisors”


  • A man walked into the doctors, he said, "I've hurt my arm in several places." The doctor said, "Well don't go there anymore."
  • He's got mood poisoning: It must be something he hate.
  • Aircraft designers have constructed a plane made entirely of rubber, so that if it crashes, it bounces. It's called a Boing 747.
  • My computer crashed and now my wife's computer has slowed down to see what's happening.
  • Did you hear about the German vampire who became a poet. He went from Bat to Verse.




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